Facing Extortion Charges and Need Help From A Lawyer in Stuart Florida and Port St. Lucie Florida?
Turn to Our Stuart White Collar Crime Lawyers
Extortion is actually a much more common offense than many people realize. This white collar crime occurs whenever one individual uses any type of intimidation, bribe, or threat to obtain some type of monetary compensation, services, or goods from another individual.
This crime is considered a second degree felony, which can result in up to 15 years of imprisonment and up to $10,000 in fines. If you have a previous record, it may result in increased penalties. For this reason, it is so crucial that you retain a skilled Stuart criminal defense lawyer who can stand up for your rights during this time.
Don’t go through this time without a trustworthy defense team on your side! Call Jeff T. Gorman Law Offices for representation you can count on.
Extortion Under Florida Law
The general goal of an extortion crime is to gain money, property, or some type of services through the use of threats, intimidation, force, bribery, or blackmail.
Extortion crimes often involve threats, such as:
As mentioned above, extortion crimes may also crossover with bribery, which can occur when a person in a position of trust is given valuable goods or money in exchange for doing what the briber requests. Similarly, blackmail can also be involved in an extortion crime. While these crimes are both very different in nature, they can each be components in a larger extortion offense.
Don’t Wait to Build Your Defense-Call Today
At Jeff T. Gorman Law Offices, we have years of trial experience and are backed by a former prosecutor who understands how the other side of the courtroom is thinking. With this extensive background in criminal law, we are more than equipped to take on your complex extortion charges.
Our Stuart white collar crime attorneys are here to help- fill out a free case evaluation or call today.
We are proud to serve clients through Martin County, Palm Beach County, and St. Lucie County.

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