Auto Accident Lawyer In Stuart Florida Covering Port St. Lucie Florida To West Palm Beach Florida
If your looking for a TOUGH and AGGRESSIVE Car Accident Lawyer, Boat Accident Lawyer, Truck Accident Lawyer or Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Let Jeff Gorman Fight For You!

Jeff Gorman Auto Accident Attorney Call Now.
Look at the road not your smartphone! Serious personal injury occurs most often due to traffic accidents. Today almost everyone is texting and driving. Studies have shown that texting and driving or using your smartphone while driving is as bad if not worse than being intoxicated. Accidents almost always occur from negligence due to not keeping a good lookout for oncoming danger. Collisions caused by the driver’s lack of attention are by definition negligent and usually place the fault on the negligent driver. Sometimes, however, the driver is not the only one at fault. Perhaps the owner of the car (whether an individual or employer) negligently gave the keys to someone who should not have been driving. Accidents in company vehicles or occurring during the course and scope of a driver’s employment can make the company (or its insurance company) liable.
The collision and damages caused, could have been worsened by a vehicle defect or unreasonably dangerous roadway making other parties liable as well. It is important to retain personal injury or accident attorneys that will look for all parties who may be held liable for your serious injuries. Everyone has a duty to every other driver to pay attention while driving! If you don’t, you may face the prospect of both being sued for massive amounts of money and going to county jail or prison!
St. Lucie, Martin, West Palm Accident attorneys
When examining your ability to recover damages for your serious personal injury claim, many evidentiary rules as well as insurance regulations come into play and can enhance or bar your claim. Rules regarding different types of vehicles and whether those vehicles are government owned can have an effect on your personal injury claim. Operators of buses, taxis, trains, limousines, airplanes and even some amusement park rides can be determined to be “Common Carriers” who owe a higher duty of care than normal to their passengers and others. There are specific rules and contractual defenses that govern how and even where cases can be brought.
Damages in a personal injury or accident lawsuit
Damages recoverable in most serious injury claims are legally known as “general damages.” These are damages to the person (rather than just to the pocket book) meant to compensate someone for the pain, anxiety, stress, fear, suffering, inconvenience and interference caused in the injured person’s life. Recovering these kinds of damages is where an experienced personal injury lawyer can make the difference in a case. Jeff T. Gorman Law Offices is committed to your personal injury case as if it happened to one of our own. Our case results and our former client endorsements speak for themselves. Hiring a personal injury lawyer who is willing to keep you informed and fight for you, will give you peace of mind and the knowledge that your claim is being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

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