Insurance Claim Lawyer In Stuart Florida and Port St. Lucie Florida
We all buy insurance to protect ourselves and our families against adverse future events. No one knows whether the event(s) for which we buy insurance will ever occur; in any event, most of us feel the need to purchase this peace of mind we call insurance. Your insurance policy helps you sleep at night, believing you will not face financial ruin should some unforeseen or unfortunate event occur.
Denied coverage
Few people actually read, much less understand, insurance policies. Some never actually even receive the policies themselves. After an unfortunate event occurs, most people feel they are at the whims of their insurers and their insurer’s; reading and interpretation of the insurance policy. If your insurer denies coverage, it is too late to buy another insurance policy like the one you thought you bought in the first place. Because of the nature of insurance, the law places special requirements on insurance companies. They are required to exercise fairness in writing and issuing their insurance policies as well as to act fairly and reasonably in handling claims made by their policy holders.
Compensatory damages & attorney fees
If your insurance company does not abide by the rule of law and mistreats you, the company may be held accountable to you not only for the insurance policy benefits, but also for additional compensatory damages and attorney fees. In particularly egregious cases, insurance companies may even have to pay punitive damages meant to punish the insurance company for acting in “bad faith.”
Our attorneys can help
When it comes to dealing with insurance companies, it takes a certain expertise to interpret policies, medical records, property evaluations and correspondence with insurance companies and their agents. These can be very technical cases. Our insurance claim lawyer deals with insurance matters on a regular basis and has the knowledge and resources to challenge even the largest insurance companies. We at Jeff T. Gorman Law Offices have the knowledge, expertise and courage to take on these wealthy corporate giants.

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